Fee Structure

Fee Structure: 2023 / 2024

Year Group Annually Per term Per calendar month (12 instalments)
Reception £5940 £1980 £505
Year 1 £5940 £1980 £505
Year 2 £5940 £1980 £505
Year 3 £6750 £2250 £570
Year 4 £6750 £2250 £570
Year 5 £6750 £2250 £570
Year 6 £6750 £2250 £570
Key Stage 3 £7500 £2500 £630
Key Stage 4 £7650 £2550 £645


20% Bursary for siblings attending full time not in receipt of Early Years Funding


There is a small administration charge per calendar month to pay in monthly instalments.

Bursaries up to the value of £1,250 per annum are also available, please ask for additional information when you visit the school or telephone.

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